Episode 1 In Review

Having listened to the first episode you’ll probably agree that we spin through a lot of topics relatively quickly so I’ve provided some summary links below to the weekly obsessions and top five segments that Dane and I did for the introduction to the inaugural episode.

Dane’s weekly obsession:

This American Life, Episode 80 – Running After Antelope.  Available streaming for free, or for a nominal fee if downloading and portability are more your thing (and frugality is not).

James’ weekly obsessions:

The state DVD release

The films of Georges Méliès including Le voyage dans la Lune:

Dane’s top five podcasts:

Radio Lab

This American Life

The Ricky Gervais Show

Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me

Fresh Air

James’ top five podcasts (overlap links excluded):

This American Life

Radio Lab

Fresh Air


Scene Unseen

Hope you enjoyed the first episode, more to come.


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