Episode Release and New Blog

Hello everyone, welcome to the ancillary blog attached to the Culture Pulse podcast which, as you most likely know (after all why else would you be here), was launched last week to much acclaim and high-minded chattery buzz. Accolades and true modesty aside, I would like to personally thank everyone who has listened to the podcast up to this point and not thrown their listening devices out the window in disgust. Thank you also to everyone who has helped with this project it has been a selfless effort from everyone involved.

I started this project with Dane as a way to develop a record of the conversations that we have on a week-to-week basis on things that move and inspire in us our most fervent admiration for expressions of the human condition. I’m hoping that it will evolve into a continual stream of discussions with fellow passionate orators for whom the world is an ever fascinating, ever mysterious place. I hope you are enjoying the show thus far, keep in touch with this blog from time to time as I plan to have contributors post items here that couldn’t make it onto the show for whatever reason. Also feel free to let me know if you want to post some content here, it will be an open forum.

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