Episode 2 – In Review

Episode 2 found us ruminating on my favorite novel of the past few years, Infinite Jest.  Sadly, David Foster Wallace commit suicide in September of 2008.  The literary world lost a brilliant luminary, but we lost a voice defining our generation in a singular way.

Dane discussed the informational revolution embodied by his new iPod touch.  Joining the throng of the unprecedentedly well-informed, Dane discussed the implications of having a device that connects one to all the threads of the world wide interweb.

We moved from these oversentimental topics to our top five favorite indie film directors.  Our lists, as well as some of our recommended films from each director, are summarized below:


1.  Werner Herzog

Encounters at the End of the World

Aguirre the Wrath of God

Rescue Dawn/Little Dieter Needs to Fly

2.   Charlie Kauffman

3.   Rian Johnson


The Brothers Bloom

4.   Sophia Coppola

The Virgin Suicides

Lost in Translation

(the minor) Marie Antoinette

5.   Jim Jarmucsh

Dead Man


1.   Danny Boyle

Trainspotting (iconic trailer)

28 Days Later

Sunshine (brilliant science fiction film)

2.   Charlie Kaufman

3.   Darren Aronofsky

Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, The Wrestler

4.   Wes Anderson

The Royal Tenenbaums


5.   Christopher Nolan

The freaking Dark Knight people

Memento (yes it is the same director)

The final segment of the show focuses on the new mumblecore film Humpday.  Mumblecore is something of a new wave in indie filmmaking, primarily characterized by true to life dialogue, and un-hyperbolized characters and scenarios.  Humpday is a fantastic exploration of how the paths we chose in life come to define us in ways we simultaneously accept and resist.   It is one of my personal favorites of the year so check it out at your local cineplex.

I hope you enjoyed the show.  We enjoyed you giving it the time to listen.


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